Monday, October 27, 2008

dentist appt.

Today, Austin has a dentist appointment. This is his 2nd visit and I'm not looking forward to it. I hate having to watch him be scared out of his mind that he trembles! He's not the kind of kid that you can just sit him down and explain it to him and then he'll be ok with it. He's the kind that sees something coming toward his mouth that isn't a toothbrush like at home and it's all over. Not only do I hate having to coax him to let the hygenist brush 3-4 teeth but I hate paying for the visit as well. Our dentist doesn't accept Medicaid and our family's insurance plan doesn't offer dental coverage. Yeah. It's the pits. I footed the hefty bill at the last visit but this time I'm going to beg and plead with Medicaid and see if they'll reimburse me. I'll update after the visit is over and done with. *sigh*

1 comment:

Anxious AF said...

Hope all went well. Alex wont let me brush his teeth with a tooth brush so I use a wash cloth???? Im sure the dentist will be fun in our future too.