Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gluten Free Day #3

We did pretty good again today. Still not much success regarding breakfast but that was mostly my fault. I ran out of GF bread so he had to have cereal instead. I'm going to pick up some more GF cereals tomorrow and see if he prefers something else. Isn't the guessing game just fun?!? Lunch was spent at school and I haven't heard anything negative so I'm not worrying about that yet. Dinner tonight was hot dogs (need to go grocery shopping!) which is always a hit. Austin never ate a bun before the diet so this wasn't any change for him.

I made my first loaf of GF bread with my new breadmaker! It does look a little strange on the outside but I tasted it and I even like it! If any of you are thinking about trying the diet, I'd highly recommend finding what works for your family regarding breads. Some make their breads by hand but frankly I don't have the time to do it! I'm lucky if my house is picked up sometimes! So, if you're like me, get a breadmaker and don't bother with the store bought bread. The first kind we tried was called Tapioca bread from a grocery store called Hannaford. Don't bother. Just step away from the breads and don't look back. You'll thank me for it. =)

Now that I have a whole loaf of GF bread, Austin will try it in the toast form tomorrow.


Brandi said...

I'm headed to Craig's List right now to find a bread maker! Thanks for the advice!

Anxious AF said...

You seem to be doing well with this new diet. It helps that Austin doesn't have major eating issues!