Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Austin progresses slower than a lot other children with RTS (or maybe it just seems that way?) so when I get a small glimpse of a new achievement, my hope is renewed. Austin's teacher called me into the classroom to show me something new. (Andrew's Pre-K class is directly across the hall from Austin's classroom so when I pick Andrew up from school, I often see Austin). An aide called Austin over and asked him to say 'mama' and he signed 'Mom', then asked him to say 'dada' and he signed 'Dad' (with some help). Then she asked him to say 'bicycle' and he signed 'bicycle'!! He'd never signed it before! I guess he LOVES the plasma cars in the gym so they make him sign 'bike' before getting on one and the work has paid off!


Cindy said...

That's so wonderful! Austin, please show your mom more of how smart you are...I think you're too modest.

Jessica said...

Wonderful, way to go Austin, we are so proud of you!!! Hugs from your friends north of you!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you too buddy. Good job..