Friday, June 12, 2009

Thrilling news from Austin's school

Well, I've back off on potty training Andrew for the time being. I haven't quit (much to his dismay) but we've reverted to pull ups. This seems to be working out just fine for him (and myself) and I'm convinced he'll just decide one day to cooperate when I take him potty. =)

I had thought of trying to potty train Austin again while training Andrew but as soon as he started giving me fits about it, I realized there's no way I can do them both at the same time. At least not now anyway. Austin was 1/2 trained when he was 4ish and would consistently go as long as we took him. He never told us he needed to use the potty but we didn't give up. After a 2 week break (no clue what caused this, possibly a surgery), Austin seemed to have forgotten how to go. No matter what we did, he wouldn't go. So, it's been 3 years since Austin went potty somewhere other than his pull up.

TILL TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got a call from Austin's teacher and she said she had a great news for me about Austin that she wanted to share! Okay, so a big part of me was dying to hear that he had said his first word but the news was still thrilling. She then put Austin's aid on the phone, and Mrs. C told me that Austin had been rather gassy this morning so she decided (for the first time) to take him to the nurse's room and put him on the toilet. After 10 minutes of sitting, Austin started yelling at her. Mrs. C, figuring he was sick of sitting, picked him up and noticed that he'd had success! He must have been yelling to tell her he was done! Let me remind you, he's 7 and it's been 3 years since this has happened. WHOO HOO!!!

It doesn't end there! A couple of hours later, Mrs. C calls me again and tells me they were out at the playground and she noticed that Austin was squatting so she whisked him up to the nurse's room again. Success again!

As exciting as this may be, I am skeptical. I do hope I am proved wrong but when he gets home from school we're going to start taking him to the bathroom regularly again. Hey, who knows, maybe Andrew will get jealous!


Cindy said...

Big applause for Austin! WHoo hoo!

I think Austin was jealous of Andrew and decided to show him how it was done.

Same thing happened with Natalie...she used the potty for a couple weeks, now hasn't had success in months. :( Maybe when Konrad is learning...

Kelly said...

Whoo Hoo Austin! Keep it up! Kelly F

Tena said...

That is awesome!!!!!!!!!

Anxious AF said...

Great job Austin! Your on your way mom!

Kristen said...

Wow! That is awesome! I hope it lasts. :) Stop by my blog. There is an auction for the youth there. :)