Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yeah, it's been a while..

Okay, so I haven't blogged in a long time. No good excuse, just nothing all too exciting going on here. =)

Today I received a report in Austin's backpack that upset me. Not real bad but frustrated me none the less. Austin was graded in gym class on his physical fitness. And, yep, they grouped him with all the other 'typical' kids grades and of course sent home the results with the capitals letters FAIL circled. I'm well aware of Austin's delays and there's no doubt in my mind he failed the test. But my goodness, did I seriously need to see it yet AGAIN on paper?!? You'd think the teacher would at least make a short remark on the bottom of SOMETHING positive he can do! I got to sit in on Austin's gym class a couple of week ago and I was thrilled at what he was doing! Granted they were modified, but he was doing sit ups and push ups right along with the other kids. Yes, he may have been slower and his feet weren't on the floor but the idea of it was so exciting! Here is what he was tested on:

Sit ups
Pull ups
Shuttle run (quickness test)-Fair for boys is 11.5-13.3 Austin got a 31.
Sit N Reach (touching toes)-he couldn't do it
Push ups
Squat Thrusts
5 minute Run-he just learned to run in the last year!

Okay, so I guess I'm just not thrilled with all this. He's attending a different school next year so hopefully his new gym teacher will be a bit more encouraging.

I think I need to go find some chocolate...


Amy said...

That's just not right. Did Mrs V say anything about the report? That's like comparing apples to oranges.

Austin and Ava can do sit ups together any time her wants to! LOL

Terri H-E said...

Um, wow. Even a parent of a kid with muscle tone and development in the typical range would have a hard time swallowing that assessment void of anything constructive on it!

While Austin may be going to another school next year, I'd be inclined to talk to the gym teacher to inspire him/her to consider what a family is supposed to do with such a thing - put it on the fridge, in Austin's scrapbook? what? Nobody needs to tell us about our kids delays, what we need are ideas on how to help them reach their potential.

Sheesh. I'm eating chocolate for you right now.

Anxious AF said...

I hate squat thrusts!
The teacher certainly should have made some sort of note, or said something! I know you must have been so excited to see him doing those push ups!!!

Jacqui said...

I'm joining Terri and am going to find a chocolate to eat right along with you.

I am struck by a deep sense of injustice at the situation. I wonder how the gym teacher would handle a kid who had had his legs amputated!! I'm sure the teacher would not try to compare hom with the achievements of kids with both legs without highlighting the positive efforst of the amputee. Sounds like the gym teacher doesn't get it that Austin as a microdeletion of a chromosome and so, as much as he wills it, he is not going to function as a typical kid. So why even use that assessment with Austin, and if one has to use a typical assessment - then PLEASE highlight Austins' achievements that might not be measured in the "test". I would like to see the gym teacher try all those activities with part of one of his/her chorosomes missing.

Strength to you in this and am praying for some really encouraging moments with Austin this week - moments where you just want to burst with joy.

Cindy said...

Yikes! I'm so sorry they did that to Austin and to you. It strikes me that the gym teacher didn't know what to do with Austin...maybe next IEP you can discuss it and come up with a fair test of his ability, or call and IEP now for the next school. That's depressing, but I know you know this too shall pass.