Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My first 5k is coming up!

My sister and I signed up for our first 5k run this Saturday and I am sooo nervous about it! Probably more than I was for my first 2.2 mile run!

My husband is also running the race with me but I've asked him to race for himself. He's gotten really fast plus I want to see what I can do without anyone there to push me. I know I can finish the race but my competitive side (which I never knew was there till I started running!) wants to run it fast and never have to walk. On a good day that wouldn't be much of a problem. Unfortunately, I haven't run much for the past 2 weeks due to a horrendous head cold and only getting 3 hour stretches of sleep at night since Jack was sick as well. I just don't feel ready. I have one training run left to do today so we'll see how it goes!