Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Andrew's first day of soccer, Austin swims!

Today was Andrew's first day of playing soccer with other 3 & 4 year olds at the Y. He did so good at following directions! He absolutely loved it and we're looking forward to it again next Tuesday. The video is of Andrew just playing around while we were waiting for class to start. Next week I'll share a video of him doing drills. It's just too cute!
Here's the video I promised of Austin swimming! Our next door neighbors are gracious enough to let us use their pool whenever we want! Just 3 visits ago to the pool, Austin would only sit on the stairs and occasionally make me hold him while I brought him around the pool. One day, Austin decided to swim! We didn't teach him anything! He treads water, pushes off the side of pool, keeps water out of his mouth, and floats on his back ALL BY HIMSELF!! This is huge for him since he is evaluated around the mental age of 2/3 yrs old. I'll make sure to get a video of him floating on his back, it's quite funny! So enjoy the video of Austin doing something he taught himself! (Can you tell I'm excited?!?)

Yes, that's Ben in the background with his leg propped up on a floatie. He broke his foot playing soccer 3 weeks ago. =)


Amy said...

What cute pictures! I'm still amazed at how well he does in the pool! All three kids do great.

Cindy said...

Those are great accomplishments, both Austin and Andrew!

Kerri H said...

How great is that! That is our goal for Logan to do that someday! And you know what..I think he will! He loves water! These kids continue to amaze me everyday! Gotta love 'em!!! :)

Kelly said...

Way to go Austin!

Andrew looks so big in his soccer uniform. Kelly F