Tuesday, April 20, 2010

One small step...

on the bus!

I wish I had taken a picture but didn't think of it till just now! Usually Austin's 'bus routine' involves a moderate amount of help from me and the bus aid but this morning, he got on the bus all by himself!

Here's our usual routine:

First step: I lift Austin up on the first step (his legs are too short to lift his foot to the step)

Second and Third step: He does all by himself with the help of the handrail

Fourth step: He reaches out to receive assistance from the bus aid to help pull him up the last step since the railing doesn't extend far enough

This morning I asked the bus aid if she'd wait and see if Austin could do it himself and sure enough he did it! He walked right up to the stairs, climbed the first 3 stairs and stopped at the top for his usual help. I told him " No, you can do it, yourself" and held his hand down for balance. He then used all his OWN strength and climbed the last step alone!

WAHOO! Let's celebrate the small things!


Brandi said...

Great accomplishment Austin! Your mommy knew you were ready, that's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Austin. We are celebrating with you.

Cindy said...

Nice, Austin! That's exciting to have a new skill and more confidence.

Terri H-E said...


Christine said...

Yeah AUSTIN!!! We're proud of you!