Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pregnancy Update

Twenty six week along...where has the time gone? While being distracted by 2 other needy kids, I haven't paid much attention to the months on the calendar going by! Last Wednesday, I had another check up and here are the stats:

25 Week appointment

belly measurement: 26 weeks

BP: a bit higher than usual but that's probably because I got a frustrating phone call minutes before they took the reading

weight: Eek! Gained another 5 pounds putting my total weight gain to 15 pounds. I have a feeling I'm going to gain more with this pregnancy than I did with Andrew's pregnancy...bleh.

Made an appointment for another ultrasound since the tech. didn't get a good measurement of Jack's spine and an appointment for the lovely glucose screening test. Wonder what flavor I'll get this time around? With Austin, it tasted like orange soda and with Andrew it was really sweet lemonade. We shall see!