Austin had an appointment today with his pediatrician for a check up and his 'stats' blew me away! I knew Austin had had a growth spurt in the last year but no where near what I thought.
Here are last year's stats at 7 years old:
Height: 40 inches
Weight: 35 pounds
On the RTS chart he was 5th % for height and 7% for weight...
This year Austin's stats at 8 years old:
Height: 42 inches
Weight: 45 pounds!!!!
Yes, I typed that correctly! He gained 10 pounds in one year! For the FIRST time since birth Austin is on the 'typical' growth chart for weight!!! Let's throw a party! Granted he's only at the 5th % but still!
On the RTS chart he is still around the 5th % for height but now he's around the 25th % for weight.
Somebody likes to eat! Way to go Austin!
Way to go Austin!
He looks great
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