Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Where has the time gone?

Boy has this summer just flown by! My husband and I are involved in soo many things that it feels like summer barely happened! Austin has 2 more weeks of vacation and he's off to his 2nd year of kindergarten. I'm looking forward to him returning. Not necessarily for the break but because he craves stuctured events. He thrives with a steady routine!

Now that Vacation Bible School is well over, I'm knee deep in getting ready for our church's first MOPS meeting of the year. MOPS stands for Mothers Of Preschoolers and we getting ready to begin our 4th (or is it 5th?) year. We meet twice a month at our church for crafts, games, food, fellowship, and listen to speakers. Childcare is taken care of! This will be my 2nd year being the Finance Coordinator. If you aren't involved in a MOPS group in your area, look into it! It's so much fun!

1 comment:

Diana said...

I really enjoyed MOPS this last year and am sad that I won't be able to be involved this year. I hope you all have a wonderful time!