Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Just call me "Uncle Ben"

Andrew has a huge vocabulary for his age and it seems to me that's he's learning 2-5 words each day. He's known how to say "mommy" and "daddy" since he was one year old. Well thanks to my niece "A", who calls my husband "Uncle Ben"...that is what Andrew has decided he wants to call everyone.

When Andrew learns a new word, he repeats it all day long. Lately it's been "I'm cold" or "Mom, I'm scared". LOL Well when Andrew learned to say his Uncle Jim's name, everyone became Uncle. It was Uncle daddy, uncle mommy, uncle papa, etc. Then the day came when he realized that "A" calls his daddy Uncle Ben. Cool name right? Surely it must be a cooler name than Daddy! So for the past month or more, Ben is no longer "daddy" but "uncle Ben". Whenever he says "I'm sorry" (to anyone!!) it comes out "I'm sorry Uncle Ben" or even "Thank you Uncle Ben" .

My point? Andrew and I just ate lunch and he was being extra silly. I gave him a kiss on his forehead and said "I love you Andrew" and he gives me this big grin and says "I love you Uncle Ben".


Kristen said...

That is tooo funny! He is so adorable! Love him to pieces!!

Cindy said...

I tell Lukas, "I'm so glad you're my son," and he replies back to me, "I'm so glad you're my son!"

Those early talkers keep us on our toes!

Anonymous said...

That is so cute Michelle. Lots of hugs to Andrew and Austin.

Ellen said...

That is too cute Michelle.You have such sweet boys.