Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Favorite part of the day

My favorite time of the day (besides the glorious naptime) is putting Austin on the bus. No, it's not that I'm glad to see him go for the day. Shame on you for thinking that! =) We have a routine for pretty much everything we do with Austin and the bus routine is becoming quite cute! Everyday (Monday-Friday), I help Austin onto the bus then go stand on our porch steps as he makes his way down the aisle to his seat (his assigned seat faces our house). Once he's seated, I wave bye to him. Not that big of a deal right? Well, the last few days Austin has actually waved back at me along with the ENTIRE right side of the bus! There's nothing quite like watching a whole bus load of kids with special needs smiling and waving back at you. Puts a smile on my face every morning!


Anxious AF said...

Oh I cant wait for Alex to do that!!! What a sweet picture I have in my head of Austin waving...Maybe you could take one of him on the bus waving????

Anonymous said...

That really is sweet..

Jacqui said...

Thanks for sharing such a beautiful and warm moment with us.

Cindy said...

Very cute! Natalie loves to wave too, but she's the only one on her side of the bus (there's only one other kid and he's on the other side).