Friday, May 23, 2008

Welcome to Toddlerhood

I was just sitting in the living room reading yesterdays mail and in walks Andrew with a green crayon hanging out of his mouth. He WAS coloring nicely and he usually doesn't put them in his mouth but by the time I grabbed the crayon from him half of it was missing. Ugh! Andrew's cheeks were PACKED with green crayon. So for the next 10 minutes I pry my fingers into his mouth (meanwhile being bit) and start pulling chunks and chunks of crayon out. I have to say I did get quite a bit out since Andrew didn't like the taste of it but I have a feeling I'll be seeing a green diaper sometime soon! LOL Andrew's teeth are nice and green to go along with it!

Here's a picture of what's left of the green crayon!


Cindy said...

Natalie likes to eat crayons too...thank God they're non toxic!

Myssie@PendletonMarket said...

Nice!! Please don't take a picture of the green diaper that will be arriving within the next few days!! LOL!